Freestuff maskot next to the website name and slogan


How does feedback work?

Feedback on freestuff is a simple thumbs up and thumbs down model. The thumbs approach is easy to follow, most people will have encountered something similar on the internet.

Who can give feedback

People giving away an item can place feedback on the person requesting the item. Giving feedback is as simple as clicking the thumbs up and or thumbs down icons. Feedback can only be given once to each user.

Who can see my feedback?

People giving items away can see the feedback (total thumbs up and thumbs down) for any users requesting items.

Why do we have feedback ?

Feedback makes it easier for people giving stuff away to choose who they will give an item to. Givers are more likely to select a person with positive feedback.

Why should I care?

If you collect many negative feedbacks, you are unlikely to be offered items in the future. Also, feedback affects how many items you can request in a month. When you receive a negative feedback, you will loose 2 request credits. A positive feedback will gain you 2 request credits.

Why can requesters not place feedback on people giving items away?

Giving an item away on Freestuff is meant to be fast and hassle free. We do not expect our generous donors to take responsibility for the quality of the items they are giving away. Items are given on an as is where is basis.

Where can I see my feedback?

On your my account page, after you have logged in Click here