Freestuff maskot next to the website name and slogan

Frequently Asked Questions

Is stuff on this site really free?

Absolutely. All items listed on this site must be completely free for pickup, with no strings attached.

Who can list free stuff on this site

Anyone, individuals, companies and organisations. All listings must be completely free for pickup, with no strings attached

Do I have to give out my phone number?

We do not give out your phone number. We provide a private chat feature so users can communicate about listings without the need to disclose phone or email details.

How long can items be listed for?

Items are listed for 2 weeks or until the lister removes the item.

Is there a limit to how many free things I can get?

Everyone loves freestuff, so to keep things fair for all, we limit users to 5 requests per month. Read about request credits here

How does feedback work?

People giving items away can give feedback on people requesting items. Read more here

How do I delete my account?

After you log in, go to this page: